Gambling addiction

Gambling addiction test

Answer the questions asked with yes or no.
  1. Have you ever gambled at the expense of your working hours?
  2. Has your home life become problematic because of gambling?
  3. Has your good reputation ever been affected by gambling?
  4. Have you ever felt remorse after gambling?
  5. Have you ever gambled to pay off your debts or solve your financial problems this way?
  6. Has gambling hindered your aspirations and your ability to be effective?
  7. After losing, have you ever felt you had to go back and regain what you lost?
  8. After winning, have you felt a strong urge to return soon and win even more?
  9. Do you often play your last money?
  10. Have you ever asked for a loan to play again?
  11. Have you ever sold anything to make money for gambling?
  12. Have you ever wanted to “put aside money” for gambling from everyday expenses?
  13. Has it ever happened that you did not care about yourself or your family because of gambling?
  14. Have you ever played longer than you planned?
  15. Have you ever played to escape your worries and problems?
  16. Making money for gambling: have you ever violated the law or have you ever considered doing it?
  17. Have you ever been disturbed by gambling in sleeping?
  18. Do quarrels, frustrations or tensions make you want to play again?
  19. Have you ever felt that you should celebrate something good that happened to you by gambling?
  20. Have you ever thought about ruining your life by gambling?
The person who answers yes to at least seven of the 20 questions is considered to be an addicted gambler. Source: dr. Gábor Kelemen: Psychology and Treatment of Pathological Gambling Addiction (Hungarian Electronic Library)